TRUE NORTH BRASS records Moussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition in a new version for Brass Quintet and Organ by TNB composer/arranger/tubist, Scott Irvine.
Yes, it’s true! This Spring (2011), True North Brass was back in the recording studio (or, in this case, All Saints’ Kingsway Anglican Church in west-end Toronto) to record what will become our fifth CD. Joining Joan, Al and Scott and their Yamaha instruments on this recording were trumpet players, Bart Woomert and Shawn Spicer. Also joining TNB was the renowned virtuoso organist, friend and colleague, Eric Robertson. The organ was a beautiful, new three manual instrument built by the legendary Canadian company, CASAVANT FRERES. Watch for details of its imminent release in online download and audio CD formats!
Posted by Scott Irvine